Τρίτη 18 Απριλίου 2017

Κίστος ή Ακισαρέ

της Στέλλας Ραχμανίδου

Ο κίστος  κοινώς  γνωστός και ως ακισαρέ στο νησί μας είναι ένα φυτό που βρίσκεται παντού στην Ικαρία και κανείς δεν του δίνει ιδιαίτερη σημασία. Όμως αυτό το φυτό είναι πιο χρήσιμο από ότι πιστεύαμε. 
Σύμφωνα με την μυθολογία όταν στον Όλυμπο οι θεοί έδιναν ιδιότητες σε όλα τα φυτά τσακώθηκαν για την ακισαρέ. Ενώ οι θεοί ήθελαν να είναι θεραπευτικό βότανο οι θεές, οι οποίες εκτίμησαν την ομορφιά του, πίστευαν ότι έπρεπε να χρησιμοποιηθεί για καλλωπισμό. αφού οι θεοί δεν μπορούσαν να συμφωνήσουν του έδωσαν και της δυο ιδιότητες.
Το φυτό αυτό είναι χρήσιμο για να καταπραϋνει το ερεθισμένο δέρμα με νευροδερματίτιδα ή για την ακμή. Ακόμα βοηθάει για τις βακτηριακές μολύνσεις, τις αιμορροίδες και τις αλλεργίες ενώ η ρητίνη του αποτρέπει τη δημιουργία όγκων.

 Συγκεκριμένα παίρνουμε τις περισσότερες ευεργετικές ιδιότητες του κίστου σε μορφή τσαγιού. Το τσάι του ανακουφίζει το στομάχι και γενικότερα το πεπτικό σύστημα. Επίσης αυξάνει τα επίπεδα της “καλής” χοληστερίνης ενώ μειώνει την ¨κακή” χοληστερίνη και περιορίζει την οξείδωση των λιπιδίων του αίματος. Ακόμα μπορεί να ενισχύσει την αντίσταση του ανθρώπινου οργανισμού από τον καρκίνο και μειώνει την πιθανότητα δημιουργίας θρόμβων. Το τσάι του κίστου είναι 3 φορές πιο υγιεινό από το πράσινο τσάι, προστατεύει την καρδιά 4 φορές καλύτερα από το κόκκινο κρασί και είναι 20 φορές ισχυρότερο αντιοξειδωτικό από τον φρέσκο χυμό λεμονιού.


by Kostas Kochilas
American and Greek schools (from my experience) are very different.  For example recess schedules.  In America we only had one recess (break) each day.  However, that recess was an hour and a half long giving us time to eat and play sports of a big variety including basketball, soccer, American football and much more!  

In America our school was organized differently as well when it came to class.  Instead of teachers coming to us like here in Greece, we went to the teachers.  Each teacher had their own room in which we would go to after each class. 
Also, every day we would do the same six classes Science/Biology, (It was one class put together) History, Language arts, Mathematics, Physical education, and one class of choice which we called electives.  

At school there would also be a cafeteria were we could go to buy beverages and other foods like burgers and pizza. 

 From my prospective I believe that American schools are a little stricter than Greek schools.  I am not saying this in a bad way as if Greek schools are better because they are more lax or that American schools are better because they are more disciplined.  I am trying to say that because of the much larger school population it has to be stricter in order to keep so many children under control.  I can’t say that I like one of the ways the school is run over the other so I must say they are both equal in my opinion.  It is nice how here there is a little more freedom over America, however in America they may be a bit more strict.  The numbers in students is also a big change.  This is good and bad.  In America with more students is a good thing as you get to socialize with more people and make new friends, but that means there is a bigger chance of people getting bullied and harder times in class as it is harder for the teachers to teach as they must deal with more children.  Here in Ikaria it is good because there are less children because it is easier for teachers to do their job therefore making an easier class time, but making it harder to make new friends.  They are both fine schools and as I said earlier, in my opinion the school systems are equal. That sums everything up about American Schools.  Thank you for choosing to read my article over others and have an amazing day. 

Τρίτη 4 Απριλίου 2017

Τι χρώμα έχουν τα φύλα

Της Άννας Λομβαρδά

   Η καθιέρωση αυτών των δύο χρωμάτων που ταυτίζονται με το φύλο του παιδιού ξεκίνησε σταδιακά. Για αιώνες πριν όλα τα παιδιά φορούσαν λευκά φορέματα μέχρι τα 6-7 τους χρόνια. Έπειτα τα πράγματα στα μέσα του 19ου αιώνα αλλάζουν και παίρνουν στροφή, δηλαδή αρχίζει να υπάρχει μια κυριαρχία ως προς το ροζ και το μπλεχρώμα στα παιδικά ρούχα, χωρίς να εξομοιώνεται με το φύλο των παιδιών. 


by Kostas Kochilas 

American Football is what many people confuse here in Greece as Rugby.  I have three words to say about this, it is not.  American Football is a sport in which there is an offensive part of a team and a defensive part which are both on the field at completely different times.  The offensive part of the team, goes on the field playing against the defense of the other team.  The objective of the offense is to score a touchdown which they do with special plays for the quarterback to pass the ball to a free player to run and make the touchdown (That is worth seven points).  The offense must have completed this task before the quarter ends, before an interception has happened, or before 4 tries have passed in which they had to get to different parts of the field but couldn’t because the defense has not allowed them to get through.  If any of these happens there is something called a turnover in which the other teams’ offense goes out to play with the defense. The defense on your team does the same thing that their defense did with same objective to make a turnover happen.
That’s about everything I have to say about American Football. Thank you for choosing to read my article over others and have an amazing day.


by Afroditi Kanagiou 

London Eye is one of the biggest attractions of England. The wheel is located in the centre of London by the river Thames and it is 135 meters tall. It was constructed for the millennium. The ride lasts half an hour and the standard ticket costs £ 22.45 if you book your ticket online. You can enjoy the incredible view where you can see up to 100km away.

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